Wednesday, July 11, 2007

I Can't Believe it Either...

Anyone who really knows me understands that I go on about 8 diets per year. Once every four or five years - one of them works for me. Well... after the 4th of July is a natural time for me to be dieting. I am trying the magical eat healthy and eat less tactic. Just so you know - I am absolutely money on the first 7-10 days of a diet. I have no problems sticking with it. And I always lose 5-10 pounds in that time. It really is truly remarkable. But then I decide, I really could care less if I weigh 5-10 pounds more or less, but I do like Pumpkin Pie. So I usually end up eating like a true McCartney again within two weeks of beginning a new diet. But today something happened that I think is telling me that I am on the verge of some serious weight loss. I had a breakfast meeting with Bobcat Bill at Chiloso this morning. I would normally get three breakfast tacos with three extra tortillas, have them load up the eggs, bacon, sausage, potato, beans and jalapeƱo ranch and then create six tacos out of the three. A mighty fine and hearty breakfast. But today, as I stood in line I found myself not hungering for three. I actually ordered one. One breakfast taco! Do you realize how ridiculous that is - my five year old daughter eats at least two. An 88 pound girl at my office always orders three. "One" - I said. David - the owner of Chiloso (the finest eating establishment know to humankind) looked up at me in complete bewilderment. All I could say was, "I can't believe it either."


Anonymous said...

Dude "1" no way, I don't know if I am proud or disgusted!

Keep the faith bro - a little chiloso is still better than none.


Marc Mac said...

I can't believe it either

Lyndi Mac said...

I'm on diet too. First time in 7 years something has worked. Leptin hormone balance. Hight proteim breakfast, eat three healthy meals a day, don't snack, don't eat after 6pm. Working - I lost 3 lbs over the 4th. I can't believe it either....