Last Saturday morning, I brought Macy & Mallory up on stage with me at Fusion. I started talking about Macy, telling the crowd what an awesome young girl she is. It is really easy for me to talk about Macy because she has so many admirable qualities. I told them that she was a little Amy Carmichael in the making. I have no doubt that Almighty God is going to do great things in and through Macy. Before I went on stage, I began to wonder what I would say about Mallory. She is such a cute and fun little thing, but I didn't have anything prepared to say. Then it hit me. As I was talking about Macy, I was saying so many really nice things and Mallory was listening and she just couldn't contain herself. She ran over to Macy and gave her the hugest hug. You see, Mallory loves her sissy so much that she doesn't even know what jealousy means. She heard Macy being praised and her first instinct was the opposite of mine - it was to celebrate her sister. I understood right then and there, on a stage in front of 2,000 people, that Mallory has been given a gift from God. She has the unique ability to love deeply. I can't tell you exactly what this will mean for little Mallory and her future, but I know that God has great plans for Mallory and anyone in her circle of influence will be greatly blessed by having Mallory in their life. Reflecting on this for the last week, I have felt compelled to ask God to keep developing this gift in Mallory. Those prayers have actually helped me to see where I need to grow and be more like my little Mallory so I can be more like Christ.
Macy & Mallory

1 comment:
Oh wow! This is so good. May I put you on my blog as guest writer again? Honesty allows not only you to deal with those things that are not of God in us but gives others that freedom and eventual joy too. You are a blessing precious son of mine. I love you
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