Friday, May 15, 2009

Fast of Self

A friend of mine told me about a fast that he was doing with a bunch of people. He said that when you think about it we all give ourselves to one of three things each day: Ourselves, Others or God. So he decided to go on a 21 day fast of himself! He said for 21 days he is going to make decisions based on what God wants and what others need.

I met him for lunch on day 4 and he was totally psyched up about it, plus - he bought my lunch! So the moral of the story is... find people who are fasting from themselves and go to lunch with them. Kidding. The truth is that I am challenged by this big time. I know that fasting of myself would be great for me and everyone around me.

I'm praying for the courage to start this fast.


Lyndi Mac said...

This is very cool. I'm going to do this too.
Love you
Hug you all soon

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a Jim Carey movie.