Wednesday, May 06, 2009


A great friend of mine just came into my office with his college diploma in hand. This is a big deal because he has been working on his degree for several years. The reason why it took him so long to get his diploma has nothing to do with his work ethic or intelligence.

My friend had a problem with credit card debt. In his words, "while most men struggle with porn addictions, my addiction has been credit card debt." Several years ago he discovered that his vice was actually an addiction and he began the road to recovery and freedom from the bondage of credit card debt.

His diploma is more than monumental. It's true that it took a ton of discipline for him to pay for school while raising a family, working a job, and living in a culture that always tells you to buy the next new thing. But this is victory - because his testimony is that the grace of Christ gave him the strength to say no to his fleshly desires and yes to what he knew was right. Victory!

1 comment:

Lyndi Mac said...

This is also very cool. It's a tough battle that more than a few million suffer from. No wonder you are thrilled for him and proud of him. Me too and I don't even know who he is.
Love you
Hug you all very soon.